Everyone has to deal with at least one difficult person. To be successful at work, we need to be able to deal effectively with colleagues, customers, managers, service providers, sales staff, administrators, and people trying to influence us. This seminar takes you through the process necessary to deal with "difficults." Handling aggression and apathy while motivating yourself and others is quite a challenge. When you learn the secrets of the system, the problems of the difficult people will belong to them, not to you.

You Will Learn How To:
  • Approach situations without arousing or creating unnecessary conflict
  • Create positive actions from a negative situation created by a difficult person
  • Communicate effectively with hostile people
  • Remove difficult people from an otherwise simple situation
  • Develop a plan to deal with difficult people
  • Avoid falling victim to secret agendas
  • Diffuse anger and foster cooperation
  • Neutralize difficult behavior and control the results you want
You Will Benefit By:
  • Sharpening your relationship skills, particularly your ability to deal with road blocks
  • Building listening and communication skills
  • Establishing alternative solutions for problem individuals
  • Developing assertive communication and conflict resolution skills
  • Understanding why someone may view you as a difficult person
  • Owning a repeatable method for dealing with difficult people
  • Establishing effective channels of communication and knowing when to use them
Who Should Attend:
Everyone who interacts with others on a regular basis, including managers, supervisors and team leaders who want to improve workplace interaction and effectiveness should attend this course. Those strongly motivated toward gaining an increased understanding of self and others should enroll in this powerful seminar.

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