This seminar will provide training in the Graves Values
Technology. The Graves Levels of Existence Values Model is based
upon over thirty years of ongoing research into how people think
and make decisions, and how thinking changes for individual
and large systems. Although there are many useful theories of
human development, none incorporates more power or precision
than this model.
The power of this approach opens a new domain for understanding
diversity -- not of types and traits, but of world views and
disparate realities. In a high-quality, productive workplace,
these sometimes conflicting views must not only coexist but
cooperate. The precision of this model lies with recognizing
that, while every person is unique, there are common themes
in human thinking that exist in varying proportions in all of
us. Once these common structures can be identified, it becomes
possible to match people with jobs that they can do naturally
and to design management systems that fit congruently with those
being managed.
You Will Learn How To:
- Identify the eight basic "value world views" and apply
them to management challenges
- Appreciate diversity
- Motivate others based on their values
- Incorporate change where it is unwelcome
- Manage difficult employees and resolve conflicts based
on world views
- Create alignment in a group
You Will Benefit By:
- Being able to apply the model to all contexts of the
work environment
- Understanding the dynamics of teamwork
- Being able to grasp the roots of all behavior
- Understanding the source of diversity
- Being able to harmonize conflicting world views
- Facilitating others in the change process
- Understanding what makes people tick
Who Should Attend:
This model has applications in management, organizational development,
human resources consulting, training, recruitment, selection,
and placement. Anyone charged with refining an organization's
structures should not miss this incredible and timely course.